Our Story


What is Trauma based Christian Parenting?

Trauma based christian parenting is an online education resource renewing hope for parents of foster and adoptive children. The Trauma Based Christian Parenting program consists of an ten module online course, access to a closed Facebook group of  parents on similar journeys with foster and adoptive children and regular online meetings with Steve Luther himself (father of 9 adopted kids, LPC, Founder of The Grace Wellness Center). This revolutionary program is for those who have felt like throwing in the towel and are looking for new paradigms, not just new parenting methods.

Steve’s Story

Fights were more common than FUN with my biological and foster kids. I liked the times when I felt in sync with them, but those times didn’t happen very often, and I didn’t know how to create those experiences. I certainly didn’t know how to make that the norm! 

So, I started out on a quest to exchange peace for the chaos in my home. In the end it not only helped me have harmony with my kids but it transformed my life and my marriage. This system is the culmination of that journey!